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iOS Development 04: MVVM Design Pattern



Model-View-ViewModel is a design paradigm.

It must be adhered to for SwiftUI to work.


  • UI Independent
  • Data + Logic


  • The reflection of the Model
  • Stateless
  • Declared(只有“var body”决定了view是如何绘制的)
  • Reactive (Always reacting efficiently to the change on the model)
  • Automatically observes publications from ViewModel( or subscribe what they interested at from the ViewModel) .Pulls data and rebuild itself.


  • Binds View to Model(so the change on the model cause the view to react and get rebuilt)
  • Interpreter (between Model and View). Help View code stay clean and neat.
  • Gatekeeper.
  • Constantly noticing changes in the Model
  • Publish a message globally once any change in the Model is noticed (avoid have any connection to any of the View that using it to access the Model)
  • Processing User Intent(Change the Model based on the events occurs in the View)

Rules in MVVM

  • The View must always get data from the Model by asking it from the ViewModel.
  • The ViewModel never stores the data for the Model in side of itself.


View is Read-Only, So “let/constant properties” or “computed properties” make much sense for a View. The EXCEPTION is property wrappers like @ObservedObject which must be marked as a “var”